Citizens, Organizations, and Businesses Stand In Opposition to the Misuse of the Endangered Species Act

Citizens, Organizations, and Businesses Stand In Opposition to the Misuse of the Endangered Species Act

Last week we asked you, our supporters, to take action and sign on to our petition voicing strong opposition to the National Marine Fisheries Service’s (NMFS) proposal to list 23 hatchery salmon and steelhead programs under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

We’re happy to say we were impressed by your response! Between our petition and a similar petition from the Native Fish Society, NMFS received a total of 845 signatures voicing opposition to the proposed listing and a request that NMFS complete a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of the proposal.

In addition to the petition and signatures, we submitted a group letter signed by 28 partner organizations and businesses voicing similar concern and opposition, as well as our full set of comments.

We believe that by trying to list these hatchery programs, NMFS is turning its back on mountains of scientific evidence, including science produced by the agency itself. And by choosing to circumvent the public process by sliding this listing in under the radar, during the holiday season, and without conducting an environmental impact statement or providing a sufficient public comment opportunity, NMFS is shutting out science and the public.

We’re glad you agree, and we thank you for taking the time to fight in the interests of wild fish.

Our full comment is available to read here.

You can view the group letter and a full list of our partnering organizations and businesses here.

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