Wild Chinook salmon, (Conrad Gowell)
Sustainable Alaskan Chinook? That's a problem.
Celebrating Jim Lichatowich
In loving memory of our dear friend who inspired us all.

Become a Wild Fish Conservancy Member

Columbia River Hatcheries Are Harming Wild Salmon
After decades of harm, we're taking action under the Endangered Species Act to protect salmon and steelhead
Alaskan Chinook
Alaskan Chinook in Peril, a Plea for Endangered Species Act Protections
Southern Resident Killer Whale J19 “Sachi” in August 2022 in Puget Sound PhotoS_Wild Orca, Taken under NMFS permit # 26288, wildorca.org smaller
Legal Victory Marks Turning Point for Southern Resident & Chinook Recovery
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Together, We Made History.
Washington ends commercial net pen aquaculture.
Study Supports Findings of 100% Wild Salmon Survival from Fish Traps
hatchery lit
LISTEN: The Paradox of Salmon Hatcheries
An investigative series by Hakai Magazine digging into the history, science, and consequences of the Northwest's reliance on hatchery production over the last two centuries.
Billie still

The Fish Trap: A Fisherman's Perspective

We Need Your Help!

Speak Up to Protect the Public's $14.4 Million Investment in Wild Salmon Conservation
Call on the the WA Fish and Wildlife Commission to fully implement the Columbia River nontribal gill net buyback passed by the Legislature and Governor that will provide one of the most significant gains for wild salmon conservation in decades.
Take Action

Contracted Services

Our talented staff have decades of expertise in Northwest fisheries and wild fish ecosystems from engineering, monitoring, permitting, and more.

Learn more about the many valuable services our staff are excited and able to provide.

The Fish Trap Project

Wild Fish Conservancy is leading the way conducting experimental research aimed at finding a more sustainable future for commercial fishing.

Working Together, We Took Back Our Sound

Over the past five years, through the Our Sound, Our Salmon campaign, we've been fighting together tooth and nail in the Courts, the legislature, and through direct appeals to state officials, calling for an end to the dangerous commercial net pen industry that threatens the health of Puget Sound.

Now, thanks to the actions of so many over so many years Washington state has finally taken bold action to prohibit commercial net pen aquaculture in Puget Sound.