Maxwelton Tidegate Study


Collection and synthesis of fish-distribution data for evaluation of fish-passage effectiveness at a retrofitted tide gate at the mouth of Maxwelton Creek on Whidbey Island in Puget Sound.

Start Date
Island County, WA
Project Type
Completion Date
Spawning and Fish Passage Survey

Goals & Objectives

To documented fish distribution and species composition; inventoried and assessed in-stream habitat, fish passage at culverts, and water quality; and determined the distribution of spawning salmon.

To assess the returns of adult Coho and Chum salmon and abundance of salmon smolts after the modifications of the tidegate facility.

Primary Habitats Impacted By Project:
Managing Agency/ Organization:
Spawning grounds, near shore, and intertidal/subtidal
Wild Fish Conservancy
Project Contact:
Budget or Project Cost:
Funding Sources:
Salmon Recovery Funding Board
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Hood Canal Coordinating Council Lead Entity
