Grayland Fish Use Assessment


The Grays Harbor Estuary Conservation Plan noted the importance of the small tidally influenced creeks for juvenile salmon, specifically unmarked Wild Origin Fish. Unmarked Chinook were present in large numbers in Charley Creek and in all areas of the estuaries as they moved to South Bay. Coho, fall Chinook, and winter steelhead  are all documented adjacent to the property. The dipnet and minnow trap sampling at sites A, B, C, D and the State Park Access identified spined sticklebacks, gunnels, coast range sculpin, staghorn sculpin, sharpnose sculpin, shrimp and crabs. The abundance of these different species was far higher downstream of the culvert sites than those upstream of the culvert. Environmental DNA results for the southeastern samples showed presence of coho and ‘any salmonid’ at sites 1 and 5.

Start Date
Tributaries to the Elk River estuary, John’s River Wildlife Area, Grays Harbor County
Project Type
Completion Date
Watershed Assessment

Goals & Objectives

Wild Fish Conservancy provided fish and habitat observation with the goal of increasing and improving fish access, habitat connectivity, riparian/estuarine plant communities and water quality within the property.

Primary Habitats Impacted By Project:
Managing Agency/ Organization:
Tidally influenced riparian estuary
Wild Fish Conservancy
Project Contact:
Budget or Project Cost:
Jamie Glasgow
Funding Sources:
Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited
