
This letter provides 60-days advance notice of Wild Fish Conservancy’s (the
“Conservancy”) intent to sue the U.S. Department of Commerce and Jeremy Pelter, in his
official capacity as the Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce (collectively,
“Commerce”), and the National Marine Fisheries Service and Emily Menashes, in her official
capacity as the Acting Assistant Administer for Fisheries for the National Marine Fisheries
Service (collectively, “NMFS”), for violations of the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”), 16
U.S.C. §§ 1531–44, resulting from their failure to issue a 12-month finding on the
Conservancy’s petition to list the Alaskan Chinook salmon as a threatened or endangered
species. This notice is provided under section 11(g)(2)(A)(i) of the ESA, 16 U.S.C. §

File Attachment