Lawsuit Filed Over Delay of Federal Protections for Olympic Peninsula Steelhead
The Conservation Angler and Wild Fish Conservancy filed suit against NOAA Fisheries for delaying Endangered Species Act protections for Olympic Peninsula steelhead.
The Conservation Angler and Wild Fish Conservancy filed suit against NOAA Fisheries for delaying Endangered Species Act protections for Olympic Peninsula steelhead.
This week, we are celebrating a monumental environmental victory for Puget Sound’s ecosystems, Washington Tribal Nations, and the protection of our iconic wild salmon and Southern Resident orcas. On Tuesday, Washington State made history, becoming the first—and only—place in the world to successfully remove and permanently ban commercial net pen aquaculture.
This week, the WA Board of Natural Resources cast a historic vote to permanently ban commercial net pen aquaculture in Washington marine waters. Washington is the first—and only—place in the world to successfully remove and permanently ban this practice to protect public waters.
On behalf of the Our Sound, Our Salmon we want to extend our sincere appreciation to Chairwoman Frances Charles, Chairman Leonard Forsman, and Chairman Steve Edwards for their inspiring and compelling op-ed in today’s Seattle Times titled, ‘Protect WA’s waters and tribal sovereignty: Ban commercial finfish net-pen aquaculture.’
Washington State recently garnered international attention for its successful removal of all polluting and hazardous commercial net pens from Puget Sound. Now, the state is on the verge of adopting a statute that would prohibit this commercial industry from ever returning to Puget Sound.
The Conservation Angler and Wild Fish Conservancy recently notified the National Marine Fisheries Services of their intent to sue NMFS for failing to protect Olympic Peninsula steelhead under the federal Endangered Species Act.
Learn more about a new settlement agreement that is leading to more responsible, legally compliant, and transparent management practices at the hatcheries Washington State operates in the lower Columbia River.
The U.S. Federal Court for the Western District of Washington ruled that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers'(Corps) approval of Nationwide Permit 56 (NWP 56)—which authorizes industrial finfish aquaculture structures in federal ocean waters around the country—was unlawful.
WFC, The Conservation Angler, and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife agree to settlement in Endangered Species Act lawsuit over lower Columbia River hatchery programs that are harming wild fish recovery.
In a groundbreaking decision, Canadian seafood certifier Ocean Wise announced they can no longer recommend salmon caught in Southeast Alaska fisheries as ‘sustainable’. The delisting responds to concerns over the impact of the region’s fisheries on endangered Southern Resident orcas and at-risk salmon populations from rivers coastwide.
NOAA Fisheries announced a somber, yet significant milestone in the effort to protect dwindling Alaskan Chinook. After reviewing a formal petition to list Alaskan Chinook populations as ‘threatened’ or ‘endangered’, the federal agency has made the first ever positive finding for Alaskan-born salmon under the Endangered Species Act.
Wild Fish Conservancy and The Conservation Angler filed against federal, state, and local governments for their continued funding and operation of Mitchell Act and Select Area Fishery Enhancement (SAFE) program hatcheries that are far exceeding limits under the ESA designed to prevent extinction of imperiled wild salmon and steelhead.
Today, Wild Fish Conservancy and The Conservation Angler issued a 60-day Notice of Intent to sue federal, state, and local agencies for chronic and ongoing violations of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) resulting from the Mitchell Act and SAFE program hatcheries on the Columbia River.
Wild Fish Conservancy filed a petition today calling for federal protection of Alaskan Chinook under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. This emergency action is being taken in response to the severe decline and poor condition of Chinook populations throughout the state of Alaska.
Wild Fish Conservancy filed a petition calling for federal protection of Alaskan Chinook under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. This emergency action is being taken in response to the severe decline and poor condition of Chinook populations throughout the state of Alaska.
Frequently Asked Questions on the Petition to Designate Evolutionary Significant Units and List Alaskan Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) under the Endangered Species Act
Top Photo: According to whale experts, orcas demonstrate a deep sense of mourning for their lost newborns, much like any devoted family would. In 2018,Tahlequah
Celebrate the removal of WA’s net pens with Washington Commissioner Hilary Franz tomorrow on Bainbridge Island.
All week residents across Puget Sound watched the net pen industry packing up nets, removing debris, and pulling up anchors and chains that have been holding the industry’s net pens in place for over forty years. Now, Puget Sound is only days away from being free of all commercial net pens for the first time in nearly half a century.
“After a hard-fought, four year legal challenge against the federal government, state of Alaska, and Alaska’s commercial fishing industry, Wild Fish Conservancy is thrilled to share a
Today, Washington’s Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz made history when she announced a new groundbreaking executive order that will prohibit commercial net pen aquaculture in Washington state marine waters.
WFC is proud to be a co-plaintiff in a new lawsuit led by the Center for Food Safety challenging the federal government for authorizing a nationwide permit for industrial finfish aquaculture without environmental review of the risks.
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