

During the 2016-2018 water type field seasons, Wild Fish Conservancy crews performed water type assessments on prioritized portions of the Deschutes River watershed in Thurston County, WA (Figure 1). The survey encompassed 423 miles of streams. WFC conducted water type surveys using the protocols and definitions provided in WAC 222-16-031 and Section 13 of the Forest Practices Board Manual. WFC collected data only
on properties where permission to do so was granted. During this phase of the project WFC requested permission from property owners to access 289 parcels. Of these, access for the WFC staff to perform the survey on their property was granted for 36 parcels (12.5 percent).

In addition to these private parcels, WFC crews assessed stream conditions and fish presence at right of ways at public road crossings. WFC documented stream channel location and characteristics, fauna, riparian condition, and restoration opportunities via GPS and photographs. Wetted width, bankfull width, channel gradient, and other data were recorded at each GPS point and are visible, with photographs, by clicking on the points in the interactive map. We present 779 photographs (with associated channel condition descriptions) on the interactive web-based GIS at

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