Conrad Gowell

News & Announcements
Conrad Gowell

Celebrating the Life of Jim Lichatowich 

With profound sorrow, we share the news of Jim Lichatowich’s passing, a revered figure in the Pacific Northwest’s wild fish community and a board member of Wild Fish Conservancy since 1991.

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News & Announcements
Conrad Gowell

Court Recommends Halting Alaska’s Unsustainable Harvest to Protect Wild Chinook and Southern Resident Killer Whales

In a massive international and coast-wide decision for wild Chinook and Southern Resident killer whale recovery, Seattle’s federal Court issued a landmark opinion on Tuesday that recommends terminating unsustainable commercial salmon harvest that has persisted for decades until new environmental reviews of those fisheries occur.

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Wild Fish Conservancy
Conrad Gowell

Detecting ISAv

How is ISAv detected? There are 3 common tests (“assays”) for ISAv: The classic test is cell culture; salmon cells are grown in the laboratory

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